Power Paints

Exterior & Interior Painting

Exterior & Interior Painting

At Power Paints we focus on both exterior and interior painting.

We use only quality paints so the revitalized look of your home lasts and lasts. Our goal is to give your home a refreshed and modern look while providing a superior level of service.

We paint far more surfaces than walls, doors and trim, including:

  • Cabinets
  • Tile Roofing
  • Baseboards
  • Decks
  • Fencing
  • Window Frames





Did you know that there are several types of paint that can be used on the exterior of your home?

When you are having the exterior of your home painted, depending upon the materials, you will probably want stucco paint which is made for any home built with stucco. Stucco paint covers better than regular paint, meaning you get a longer lasting and superior paint job when it is used.

Decks & Fencing

Painting decks and fencing helps lengthen the life of them.

Paint helps reduce splintering in both decks and fencing. It also helps protect the wood from water damage and slows the decaying process.

The small investment in painting a deck or fencing provides a great deal of additional life to both.


Pressure Washing

Pressure washing the exterior of your home is a critical step in ensuring the paint on your home looks amazing for years to come. 

We pressure wash your home within days of beginning to paint to remove all dirt and debris, creating a smoother surface. This allows paint to fully adhere to the wall material and ensures a longer paint life. 

Tile Roofing

Tile roofing typically comes in a few standard colors – colors that might not match the main and accent colors of your home. Perhaps you are ready to paint and the color of the roof tiles is holding you back.

This is when painting tile roofing comes in handy. Roof tiles are very porous, which is where waterproof paint is most effective.



Painting the interior of your home is one of the fastest and most cost efficient ways to get a style refresh throughout your home.

Updating the colors used inside your home can also increase its value if you are planning to sell.

And if you aren’t planning to sell, why not have the colors you have always wanted? 


Cabinets are a great focal point of any kitchen. Unfortunately, that may not be a good thing if you do not like the finish or color of your cabinets. 

Luckily, cabinets can be painted an entirely new color to match your existing kitchen or your remodel plans.

Painting your existing cabinets can completely refresh the room without the steep costs of replacing all the cabinets. 

Doors & Baseboards

Doors and baseboards get some of the heaviest wear in any home.

Both doors and baseboards are often run into and this can cause nicks in paint or other marks that stand out.

Having your doors and baseboards painted creates a nice, finished look to your home.


Window Framing

When windows are installed they usually have standard white framing around them. Going from house to house, these look very much the same.

The good news is – they don’t have to be! We can paint the frames around your windows a different color, one that best accents your home, in a small amount of time.

Best of all, window frames can be painted even if the rest of your home does not need to be painted so there is no need to wait!


Ready to get started?

First, we need to know some things about your project so we can get you a quote. Start by filling out our Quote Form.

This better prepares us for visiting your location to finalize details and helps us provide you with a quote faster. 

Once we receive your signed quote and deposit, we will schedule your project.

That’s it!

We look forward to working with you!